Book 3, Chapter 1 – AS PROMISED!

Thank you to Sally, who was the first reader to have their review published, and thank you SO much for the great star rating and kind words! I still don’t know what happened to the comments that several others of you have mentioned you left, but I am grateful for the effort nonetheless.

So, as promised, here is Chapter 1 of the 3rd book in the Liliana Batchelor series. There may be a few minor edits or corrections, but at least it is something to get you started. I hope you enjoy it, and THANK YOU. The support, comments and interest in my stories has been both humbling and gratifying.

The rights to this excerpt are reserved by me; please do not replicate or use without express permission. Thanks you and enjoy!

Chapter 1

Lily hits the garage remote and watches numbly as the door slides down behind her. It hits the concrete pad with a resounding clack that makes it seem as if the entrance to a tomb has just shut.

With leaden limbs she exits the car and all her movements seem exaggerated and heavy. She pops the trunk on her four year old black Acura and stumbles to retrieve her suitcase.

She knows she forgot things at Stuart

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