Despite being iced in at a hotel in Cheyenne, WY, (I-80 is closed), my flyers were delivered to Norwescon and have been stuffed into attendee bags!
Thanks to a very good friend, the flyer was finalised, proofread, printed, picked up and dropped off at the hotel in time for the stuffing party. Another dear friend supplied the beautiful artwork that graces the flyer. I’m really lucky to have so many people who stepped up and helped me when it looked like I would have to forgo Norwescon!
The flyers promote my cyberpunk book, “And Laugh at Digital Butterflies” as well as my fantasy novel, “A World Away“. Both series have erotic themes interwoven into them as well as explicit sex (and in the case of “A World Away“, some graphic violence), but they are more than just erotica; they are tales of two very strong women and how they cope with challenges, and the men who fight over them. They are set against rich backdrops full of intrigue and suspense with a larger overarching story, where the romantic dynamic plays a role but is only part of the story, although an integral one; after all, aren’t relationships important to all of us?
They are books for adults, but they are also true to their genres, and I hope you enjoy them!