A Real Deal!

Starting to-morrow (when Amazon updates my account), “An Accidental Affair” will be on sale for 99 cents! This will be for a limited time, so if you know someone who might enjoy the book, now would be a good time to get it. =)

B&N/iBookstore take a bit longer to update… details on those platforms to follow.

Enjoy, and keep reading!

Best wishes,


February Update

It’s been a little while, but good news! I had a bit of time to write again this weekend. =)

I made a little headway in Lily and Stuart’s story, and started on a long-ish post for this site. For those of you who have been following news of my mom, she was admitted about a week ago to hospital, but went home Friday night. She’s weak , but home and still fighting. The doctors originally thought she had pneumonia but she has a staph infection and was in intravenous anti-biotics for a while, and is now on pills at home. She’s fortunate to have a group of loyal friends and neighbours, and a nice woman’s organisation through her church, and they welcomed her home in style.

I hope everyone has a brilliant week, and hope to make more progress with Lily and Stuart soon!


Thank you for all your patience and kindness!

Warm regards and wishes,
