General Update

Thanks for stopping by and checking in, readers!

I’ve been busy editing book three and made a few changes near the end, so I will need to go back and do a re-read and make sure it all flows well. Stuart and Liliana have an intense scene near the end of the book, and I wanted to make sure it was just so. As a result, I probably won’t be assembling cover art and generating the epub until next week at the earliest. Will keep you posted.

I now have a profile on Goodreads! You can access my information on that site here.

Lily and Stuart seem to have developed a little bit of a following Down Under! Thank you to all my wonderful readers from Australia, several of whom have posted on this site. I’m interested to hear how you found out about my book, so if you’re so inclined please feel free to post a comment about that.

Several of you have mentioned rating my books at iBookstore, but unfortunately they don’t seem to be posted; I’m looking in to that.

Finally, if you have the time and inclination, I would really appreciate your reviews at Goodreads, Amazon or B&N. It makes a difference to me – it makes my writing more visible and gives me valuable feedback about what my readers think – and it makes a difference to other erotica fans who might be considering picking up the series. I know I look for books that have reviews – good and bad – because I can better gauge if it is something that fits my personality.

I’m also on Facebook – just look for Holly Blackstone (author). I offer periodic updates there if that forum is more convenient to you!



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