Book 4 Update!

So July was less productive than I planned because of an unseen mini-calamity and a short road trip I took last week to see a good friend.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been ‘working’ on the books. I took some photos this week for the cover, and now need to load them into Photoshop and doll them up.

I’ve also decided on a title for book four (and five!), and my readers who visit this site are the first to see it. Book four will be called “Banish the Darkness”, and book five will follow as “Step into the Light”. Book four looks to be a little longer than my previous books, and the series will wrap in book five, I’m sad to say. =( I’m working on an idea to publish a ‘Tales’ book that has short stories from Lily and Stuart’s past (before they met), as well as perhaps a mini-novel detailing their life after book five (an epilogue).

Right now I can’t think too much about finishing the series – I need to work on completing book four and wrapping up their story is just too difficult for me to contemplate, as I’m in love with them and their romance.

I have tried to do my best to minimise distractions for the next week – look for a more concrete ETA on book four by the beginning of next week!

Thank you so much for your patience; I’m sorry book four has taken longer to complete than I anticipated, and I appreciate your forbearance!

In the meantime, I would love to hear feedback on:

  • Favourite scenes
  • Who do you think is involved in the plot to sabotage Stuart?
  • How do you think it will all end?
  • Something you did NOT like… (For example – I know of several readers who say it was a little difficult to get into the third person/present tense writing initially. Were you one of them? Do you like it now?)
  • One more thing! How did you find my books? Friend, browsing online…?

Warm regards, =)


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