The second installment in the Liliana Batchelor series is now available at iBookstore!
Official Site of Author Holly Blackstone
The second installment in the Liliana Batchelor series is now available at iBookstore!
Hello! Thanks for visiting my site. If you have any comments you’d like to make about the second book in The Liliana Batchelor Series, “Step Across the Rubicon”, this is the place to do it.
Greetings, readers! Thank you for your interest in Lily and Stuart’s story. If you have any general comments or observations you would like to make about the first book, “An Accidental Affair”, please feel free to make them here. Thank you for visiting my site!
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Although I write erotica (as a hobby for now), I enjoy reading; I have a lot of interests (too many, perhaps!), and books are a wonderful escape.
Here are some of my favourite non-erotica titles.
Book two is now out, and I hope you