
I’ve been getting a fair amount of email about The Void Chronicles. To be honest, I don’t want to end the series but am excited for the last book; you get to find out how Julianna got to Galea and learn a bit more about the lore.

Well, I am bowing to pressure – my own, (I am REALLY excited about the story!), and my readers, and am working on “The Void Wept”, which is book four.

Let me know in the comments what you enjoyed about the series so far, or what you would like to know more about! =)



4 thoughts on “Julianna!”

  1. I absolutely love this series! I have read it 4 times over already! I am super excited that you are wroting the next book!

    1. Glad you’re excited, Natausha! =) I’ll try to keep progress updated here and on Twitter. (I’m not on Facebook much, I admit!)

      Take care,

  2. I love this series. It’s brings out so many of my emotions. I’ve been waiting for book four for so long now. Can’t wait.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I am still working on book four, I am almost 110,000 words into it – it’s going to be a long one, and hopefully a worthy conclusion to the main storyline!

      I started a new job, and have had to had major work done on my truck, etc, so it’s been a rocky new year so far. =| Hope things will stabilize and I can get some good progress in soon, instead of the drips and drabs that I have been eking out; it’s hard to get up to speed when I’m writing in 15-20 minutes mostly, here and there. I’m glad the series has touched you, and I would love to hear what you have enjoyed the most, what has surprised you, etc.

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